tennis balls

This is a game that requires extreme physical exertion, a fun game and a good workout and one of the fastest growing traditional sports in the country. This is: tennis. The UHS boys tennis team had just started their season, and they’re starting if off with lots of hard work, good team participation and a higher “tennis IQ”. Although the season is still far from ending, the team is hoping to win as many dual meets as possible and win their conference.

“I want for every one of my players to feel like they matured as players on the court and as young men off of the court,” says UHS tennis boys head coach, Nathaniel Chattic.

For Sophomore tennis player Top Nasueb starting off the season was a little bit challenging. “It is  difficult to tell how we are doing so far because we have not played many games yet,” says Nasueb. “If I were to say, we are doing okay, I guess.”

This season is not quite like the last one, the team is taking a different approach mentally and physically to this season.

“This season is different from last year because we have a new coach, and the seniors from last year left, however, we  have new players also,” says Nasueb.

“One of the more common challenges is losing some players that helped to contribute to the team’s success last season,” says Coach Chattic. “How we can improve when losing some players is to encourage the guys that you have to step up to the plate and produce.”

“I think the team have to improve on getting mentally tough and improve on the team work,” says Nasueb.

Although there are some challenges that the team is facing this season, this is not stopping them from getting their goal, which is, to end with a winning season and win their sectional.

“I hope that these young men will, at the very least, take something away from this season that will encourage them to continue on in the sport of tennis over the summer and fall,” says Coach Chattic.

When it comes to developing the guys’ tennis skills, one of Coach Chattic’s goals is for the guys to improve upon their skills at whatever level they are at. “If this season is the first time he has picked up a racket, I will my best to make sure that he gets as many of the basics down as possible. For those that are more experienced in playing tennis, I want them to have a higher tennis IQ.”

Chattic advises his tennis players to stay humble and hungry – practice how they want to play in a real match. He wants them to study the game, and to always come with the expectation and willingness to work hard and grow as a person first, player second.

As a tennis coach, it’s hard to handle a number of players, however, Chattic enjoys working with the group of guys he has on the team. “To see how I can help to further shape and develop these young men with their talents on the court for the better will always be a one of the best things about coaching for me.”

Nasueb said he likes a lot of things about tennis. “What I like about tennis is being on the court and getting to do my ‘thing’,” he says. “The best thing of being in the tennis team is getting to take part in playing the sport.”

Chattic says that the most encouraging aspect when it comes to coaching the tennis team in UHS is knowing that he has some very capable players on this team this season that have blossomed from last year, and continue to get better.

“I love the diversity of personalities I have to work with on this team. Everyone brings his unique ‘flavor’ to our team, and so far it’s made for good team chemistry and fun practices,” says Chattic.

He wants to end this season with a bang. “I hope that they would continue to grow and develop as players and through their hard work, it would inspire others to come and try out for tennis next season!”

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