As the green and yellow leaves change into orange and red, the weather changes too. Gone is the temperature that makes us feel like we are in an oven at 375° for 50 minutes. It’s time to bundle up in hoodies, buy some new UGGs, and explore the season that Pinterest is obsessed with. It’s the aesthetically pleasing Fall!

You already know when we get the fall, we get two huge holidays: Halloween and Thanksgiving! 

Halloween brings us overpriced costumes, candy that can hurt your teeth and give you a 200- in-1 chance of getting cavities, and slasher movies with premises and cliches that we all know like the back of our hands. 

But on the other hand, we get Thanksgiving with half of America getting slapped into a deep coma 5 minutes after eating because of their choice to eat 4 plates of food most people eat. We get gyms earning an influx of members 2.5 seconds after Thanksgiving day is over, awkward conversation with family members, and last but not least, the holiday where we line up at Walmart, Target or Best Buy in the below 30° weather in the wee hours of the night, putting our medical insurance to good use and acting like we’re rich like Kim Kardashian trying buying 4k big screen TV’s and PS5’s. 

But after all that, the real question is what holiday people like more: Halloween or Thanksgiving? 

I asked 16 people if they prefer Halloween or Thanksgiving and you best believe people had feelings.  

Surprisingly, almost everyone I asked proclaimed that Thanksgiving was and is superior to Halloween. 

Freshman Nia Thorton said Thanksgiving is better because you can “See people that you haven’t seen in a while,” an opinion echoed by many. 

Another reason Thanksgiving is superior, according to freshman Janaisa Dillion, is “the food?!?!?, My momma can cook!” 

But we did not forget the other holiday: Halloween, of course! 

Interestingly, very few people said that Halloween is better. One of those strange people is freshman Keylieana Archie who prefers Halloween because it is “more fun than Thanksgiving” and that “all of the candy that you get during Halloween” is way better than any Thanksgiving food!

Freshman Hayden Little went for the shock factor with a strong response.

“I hate Thanksgiving,” she bluntly said. “I don’t eat any of the food because it’s all food I don’t like.”

Now anybody who knows me knows that I love to eat, so for me it’s easy: I love both holidays! For others at UHS, the debate rages on.

But anyway that is it! So, where do you fall in this age-old debate? Leave your thoughts in the comments!

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1 thought on “Fall Face-Off: Halloween vs. Thanksgiving

  1. I personally prefer halloween, mostly because i have many fond memories associated with october and halloween.

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