The Coronavirus craze has impacted UHS students, whether it be through misconceptions that are going around or through their families.

At the moment, there is so much talk about the Coronavirus, yet few actually know facts about it. 

Janna Fouly, senior, has made a point to educate herself about the virus and its origins. 

She knows “that it spreads through human contact. It’s common in animals and I think it mutated to spread to humans.”

The panic surrounding the Coronavirus has stemmed from the fact that there is so much that is unknown about the virus, and just as much misinformation. 

“There’s a lot of misconceptions about the virus, one of the most popular is that if you get it, you’ll die,” Serena Palacios says. 

The general public has contributed to the panic by fear mongering. Urbana is a large university town that has not yet experienced a confirmed case of the Coronavirus. 

Zoe Bowers, senior, received a fake text, likely meant as a joke, but one that was capable of spreading fear. 

Overall, much of UHS has not paid the virus as much attention because it has not strongly impacted them. 

“I can’t say I know very much about Coronavirus. As it’s becoming more widespread I would hope that I can be further educated in how I can avoid getting it,” explains Bowers. 

The important thing to remember right now is to not panic and to try and stay healthy. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the best way to keep from getting sick is to wash your hands often with soap and water and to avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

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