A short list of the reasons why your peers may not like you


You block the hallway making tiktoks

Peers. They rarely add anything meaningful to your day, yet they can also turn your average day at Urbana High School into a living nightmare. With that being said, here are a couple of things you should avoid to make everyone’s day a bit more enjoyable. 

1. You overshare 

Your hairstyle is already embarrassing enough; please do everyone a favor and just think a little before you interrupt the teacher to tell the class a story about your uncle’s best friend’s “really cool” racing lawn mower. 

2. You are a Freshman

It’s not your fault. You don’t know any better.

3. You make Tiktoks at school

Do I really need to say anything else?

4. You’re a slow walker

Being held up by a slow walker only adds to the time spent at UHS. Which if I am being genuine and truthful, as we at The Echo pledge to be, we all know that is something we all want to avoid.

5. You and your friend group socialize in the middle of the hallway

Unfortunately, slow walkers tend to fall into this group as well, which is almost, if not worse, than being a slow walker. 

6.  You and your partner show way too much PDA in the hallway

Isn’t this against the student handbook we signed? 

7. You’re loud

It’s 8 am, and we are supposed to be “writing an essay.” Don’t force everyone to go buy noise-canceling headphones just because you are happy.

8. You are a Junior that just got their license

We’ve all been there. This is a stage most, if not all, high school students pass through where you become the most insufferable version of yourself.

9. You don’t use the restroom for its actual purpose

It doesn’t matter what you are doing; as long as you are in the restroom and aren’t using the restroom, your peers don’t like you. The restrooms here are bad enough.

10. You have a victim complex

Just because one teacher kicked you out of their classroom that one time does not mean that the “entire school” is after you.  

Avoid these things, and you’ll be on your way to being a part of the small population of UHS that doesn’t make everyone’s day miserable. Congrats!

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