Fashion can be expressed in many different ways. It can be expressed through clothes, hair styles, or even shoes. It’s a way to showcase your personal style and creativity. 

Fashion changes a lot throughout the years, from wearing bell bottom jeans to wearing skinny jeans to now wearing jorts and denim skirts for summer 2024. 

Jorts are jean shorts that go down to around the top of your knees. Typically they are baggy and are part of the oversize fashion. They started off in men’s fashion but are slowly becoming more and more popular in women’s fashion.

Along with the denim theme another piece of clothing popular this summer will be denim skirts. They have been in many generations of fashion, but they are making their appearance again. The most famous style is the short ones but there are also long ones in style. Whereas you want your jorts long, you can choose whatever length you want for your skirts!

Working on your “summer body”? Well, this summer tankinis are in! The peak of tankinis was back in the 2000’s, but there are rumors that they are coming back this summer. 

Don’t forget that shoes complete the outfit! This summer there are two pairs of shoes that everyone is fighting to get: Sambas and Birkenstock clogs. 

Sambas are comfortable and fashionable, coming in different colors like the original black, but there are also blue and pink for the girlies. 

The Birkenstock clogs are one of the hardest shoes to get because they are always out of stock. The beige version of the shoes are the most popular ones because they go with everything. You can wear them with or without socks and as a bonus, you don’t have to worry about people looking at your toes because they are closed-toed shoes. As we all know, toes are out this season!

Finally, we can’t forget the hair. You can’t have a bomb outfit and not have your hair done. So with the summer heat, instead of having your hair either down and making your neck hot or putting up with flyaways in your face, everyone is now doing slick backs. 

You can make a lot of your own versions with slick backs. It can be in a bun, a ponytail, braid, or really anything you want. Just don’t forget the gel.

Take our tips, but make them your own. Don’t let the opinions of other people or the changing of trends make you change the style that you like. Being your own person is important in fashion because if not we would all look the same!

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