With the holiday season at a close, many strive to lose weight recently gained from big family dinners and seasonal parties. This can often be achieved by simply joining a local gym.


Others are suffering from a more long-term and hazardous problem; eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia.


With several instances recently discussed in the media about cyber bullying and its fatal results, it’s clear that some teenagers face ridicule and teasing regularly.


This does not mean, however, that help and support cannot be found.


One Urbana High School Counselor Samuel Furrer said, “If a student came to us with an eating disorder issue, we would certainly speak with them but we would refer them to other professionals. The school social worker, Ms. Trezise, would also be a resource for students, as would the School-Based Health Center.


Eating disorders cause many irregularities in a person’s eating patterns and habits. They also can leave lasting affects on the body and it’s organs. Irregular heartbeats, depression, stomach rupture, and tearing in the throat are only a few possible results.


“I feel like eating too much or too little can be unhealthy, but it’s hard to control, “ said Freshman Jackie Sparnicht.


Bulimia is a disorder that involves binge eating followed by drastic measures, such as vomiting, to get rid of weight gain. This often leaves the person feeling very out of control. They can go from eating abnormally large amounts, to not eating at all.


One or two out of every 100 teenagers has or will develop an eating disorder of some kind. With over 1,100 students attending Urbana High School, the chance of a student struggling with an eating disorder is a very real possibility.


Sparnicht added, “Appearance isn’t everything, so whether you’re fat or skinny, people who matter won’t care about that.”


The National Eating Disorders Association has a toll-free hotline, 1-800-931-2237, for those in need of advice or help.





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