Is Christianity Gaining Popularity Among Teens? One Tiger Says Yes



There’s always that one person sitting at Starbucks with their MacBook planted in front of them, Bible in hand, Ray Bans poised perspicaciously on the bridge of their nose, with an outstretched highlighter in their hand devotedly annotating the Lord’s Word. Inevitably, this sight is one we have all witnessed, and possibly envied over. Because in all honesty, the “hipster Jesus-loving girl” (sorry, boys, it is typically a girl) has become an image that many have tried to recreate for themselves. Christianity has become more than the reason your parents told you in order to make you attend your family church Sunday mornings, it has become something so attainable that more and more teenagers who do not necessarily have a deeply religious past have become interested in it.


And not that I blame them, either. Fashion and pop-culture have recently put Christianity into the limelight, making it a very popular trend to follow. With practically every clothing store marketing embellished crosses on their t-shirts, the ever popular Christian athletes publicizing, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13, just in case you were wondering), and of course Miley Cyrus promoting, “Only God can judge you”, this religion has become quite prevalent.


And with all of this advertising brings the come-up of Non-denominational Christian churches. More likely than not, the Bible-reading, fair-trade coffee sipping person you encounter at your neighborhood café, would tell you, “Jesus is my religion” when asked what church they belong to. Now, that’s not to say that denominational churches are going out of style, but it is to say that modern, “Christian” churches are rapidly rising in popularity. Our generation is undeniably interested in praise bands and pastors that crack jokes and speak of issues that directly concern them – not necessarily a hymnal and benediction. But the pop music-esque praise songs and pastors in jeans and Reeboks aren’t always enough to learn every skeptical teenager in; for instance, the ones that were born and raised in traditional church pews and not folding chairs.


Initially, I was in fact one of the skeptics of a contemporary Christian church; but really I was more nervous about branching away from my family’s traditional United Methodist church. I have always been very biased when it comes to different denominations; while I do not discriminate against other ones I still believe in the values that are specific to Methodists. So naturally, beginning to attend a Non-Denominational Christian church on Sunday nights felt as if I was stabbing my minister in the back. But truthfully, I enjoy being a part of two very different churches (and frankly, these two churches are on opposite ends of the religious demonstrations spectrum). Being able to, no matter what, make it to a church service every Sunday is a very appealing aspect of this situation. For not only myself, the fact that a lot of the teen Non-Denominational churches have made their services so easy to make it too is very enjoyable; in addition to offering youth-groups throughout the school week.
Nonetheless, one does not have to be a member of, or even attend, a church in order to be a Christian. As the media and popular beliefs proclaim, you can love Jesus, and that in itself can be your religion. In reality, the popularity of Christianity has so rapidly increased due to the approachable and inviting aspect that it possesses – according to the Bible, Christ, who forgives all of your sins, has “saved” any and everybody. Naturally, that is very appealing to a majority of the teenage population which, among with the interest that pop-culture has shown, is a legitimate reason for why Christianity is becoming more and more popular.

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