Confusion among students after announcement of admin restructuring


Today, three administrative positions were posted, the results of Tuesday’s school board meeting in which Taren Nance, current principal, was voted out in a unanimous decision, ending his term after two years.

In a letter sent out to families last Friday, Superintendent Dr. Jennifer Ivory-Tatum listed a restructuring of resources as a necessity to “ensure all Urbana students achieve at high levels and are college and career ready.”

Included in the restructuring plan, two other high school administrators – Associate Principal Janice Nolan and Assistant Principal Julie Blixen –  will be assigned to positions at other schools within the district. 

The district isn’t releasing any further information at this time, causing confusion and mixed emotions for students, especially as rumors continue to circulate in the halls.

“I think that Principal Nance being let go is somewhat unfair. There didn’t seem like there was enough evidence against him [to not renew his contract],” said senior Ceonee Moore. 

Freshman Prium Patel trusted the school board’s decision but admits he wishes students had more information, saying “they [the school board] probably have their reasons, but we know so little.”

Some students accept the board’s decision completely. “I feel like he wasn’t really a principal. He didn’t really do anything super beneficial for this school. He wasn’t really involved,” said sophomore Franklina Kabu.

“But I feel like a lot of things are gonna leave with him, like a lot of freedom. I just hope this school doesn’t decline more with this new principal,” she added.

Despite the uncertainty, there are some students who are ready to see what a new principal has to offer, such as junior Jack Perry, who is “excited for the future.” 

While not everyone agrees with the school board’s vote, one thing is clear: everyone is interested in what the next steps are moving forward at UHS.

by Brody Peyton and Maddy Posey

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